International experience of heritage conservation in open-air museums based on the in-situ and ex-situ principles /10.59982/18294359-24.15-ia-04
The article presents the activity features of different open-air museums, which have been formed within the 130 years of existence of these types of museums to ensure the protection, reproduction, and modeling of unique historical and cultural landscapes. The historical and cultural landscape is a result of the joint creation of man and nature, which is characterized by a clear territorial organization in which the natural and man-made elements form an inseparable whole, forming a unique natural and cultural complex. Such complexes, as a rule, show the evolution of certain ethnic groups and their settlements, which took place under the influence of various external and internal, favorable and unfavorable, climatic and social factors.
Today, historical and cultural landscapes are the most important heritage objects of different regions of the world, whose preservation and modernization are carried out through open-air museology. The open-air museum itself presents a special format of a museum institution, which gives visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the historical atmosphere of past eras while appreciating the result of the harmonious and creative coexistence of nature and man. The study of this type of museum is especially important in the context of cultural component management, for which the international legal principles of in-situ and ex-situ preservation of cultural heritage are applied. These principles have received normative support through the ratification of a number of intergovernmental acts and convention
Keywords: Օpen-air museum, cultural heritage, principles of in-situ and ex-situ conservation, skansen, national park, architectural landscape complex.
PAGES : 43-59