ADVANTAGES OF THE ARMENIAN ECONOMY /10.59982/18294359-24.2-hn-06
In a dynamically developing world, the state has an extremely important role to play in promoting competitive advantage. Moreover, the state cannot and should not try to create competitive sectors of the economy, because only companies can and should do that. The state should encourage companies, in some situations, even compel them to expand their aspirations, scope of interests and transition to higher levels of competitiveness, even if this process is unpleasant and difficult. Therefore, the state should create an environment in which companies can create and develop competitive advantages. An effective state strategy aimed at promoting the competitiveness of the national economy and developing the competitive advantages of companies should, in fact, be based on such simple principles as the promotion of changes, the protection and development of competition within the country, and the promotion of innovation. Competitive advantages can take different forms depending on the specifics of the industry, product and market. The basis of a company’s competitiveness is not only the competitive advantage taken separately or their combination, but also the ability to create that competitive advantage and ensure its sustainability in the long term.
Keywords: National economy, competitiveness, competitive advantages, efficiency.
PAGES: 72-82