https://doi.org /10.59982/18294359-24.2-hm-11
In the sphere of foreign relations, the powers of the National Assembly are provided for by Article 116 of the Constitution, according to which the legislator ratifies, suspends or annuls those international treaties that: 1) concern the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the duties of man and citizen, 2) are of a political or military nature, 3) provide for the membership of the Republic of Armenia in an international organization, 4) provide for the financial or property obligations of the Republic of Armenia, 5) directly provide for ratification, 6) contain issues subject to regulation by law, 7) the application of which provides for the amendment of the law or the adoption of a new law, or which contain norms that contradict the law.
The right to ratify and annul international treaties has historically belonged to the head of state. However, over time, international treaties have increasingly penetrated into the domestic legal system of states, forcing the latter to comply with their provisions and make changes to domestic legislation. And in recent years, the world community has confirmed the principle of the supremacy of international norms over national legislation. This is also enshrined in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
In the sphere of foreign relations, the powers of the National Assembly should also include legislative regulation of diplomatic missions and consular services of the Republic of Armenia abroad. It should be noted that if before the constitutional reforms the National Assembly carried out only international relations through the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, then two more were created in the parliament: the Standing Committee on European Integration, which deals with relations with the EU and the Council of Europe, as well as issues of harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia with European legislation, the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration.
Keywords: Constitution, National Assembly, executive power, international treaties, parliamentary diplomacy, public diplomacy, official diplomacy.
PAGES: 134-139