In this article, the main theories of local self-government formed and organized in different historical periods are studied.
In the first half of the 19th century, the first theoretical foundations of the teaching doctrine of local self-government were developed. The system of local government organization in the modern form in the USA and Europe was mainly formed in the 17th-19th centuries, and partly in the 20th century. Historically, it was formed as a result of the transition of power to the bourgeoisie. The idea of local self-government independence was a major theoretical achievement of early bourgeois democracy. In the process of the transition from a class society to an industrial society, the formation of a new institutional system of local government, as well as the freedom of self-governance of community affairs, the lack of control and intervention by the central state government, became an agenda issue, not only in the central state, but also in the localities.
Local self-government is one of the important institutions of the state, the main purpose of which is to solve the socio-economic problems of the community, as well as to support the development of citizens’ initiative and self-activity. The analysis of the video-legal characteristics of local self-government also documents the participation and role of citizens in the organization of community activities.
The local self-government system organized by the principle of decentralization, has undergone evolutionary development on some theoretical bases, ensuring the cyclical development and modern perceptions of decentralization and local self-government.
Keywords: Theory, local self-government, concept, municipal management, decentralization, public authority.
PAGES: 166-175