In recent decades, the processes of regional economic integration, which include the entire complex of economic relations, have received great attention not only from developed but also developing countries. In that context, the integration of the monetary and financial sphere is especially important, due to the stable development of national financial systems and ensuring the stability of exchange rates. Taking into account the fact that it covers a number of key areas of the financial system, the formation of a single monetary and financial system between the countries of a certain region is increasingly important for the joint solution of the most frequently emerging economic problems under the current conditions of the development of international economic relations.
In the conditions of globalization, the current patterns of regional economic integration, as well as the current trends in the development of the international monetary system, further increase the need to deepen the monetary and financial relations between countries, aimed at ensuring financial stability and economic security, which is the basis of the expediency of studying monetary and financial integration as the highest level of economic cooperation between countries.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the forms and features of regional monetary and financial integration, as well as to indicate ways of increasing its effectiveness.
Keywords: Monetary and financial integration, globalization, monetary policy, single currency, coordination, unification, supranational regulation
PAGES : 20-31