https://doi.org /10.59982/18294359-24.2-el-16
Incorporating mobile technology in EFL classes at universities offers many chances to enhance student engagement, motivation and overall academic achievements. This article explores the theoretical basis of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and highlights its ability to revolutionize conventional teaching methods. The article demonstrates how using different interactive activities on mobile devices can greatly increase engagement and enhance language learning with hands-on tools. Additionally, it provides a thorough manual for teachers, outlining techniques for the smooth incorporation of mobile technology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching. It also focuses on addressing obstacles such as accessibility, digital literacy and classroom management in the university setting, offering practical solutions to enhance learning outcomes. This analysis stresses the significance of integrating technology into contemporary education and investigates how mobile-assisted learning can meet the changing requirements of teachers and students in the digital era, ultimately enhancing student achievement. Future MALL trends emphasize that mobile technology will remain a crucial factor in language education promoting personalized and self-directed learning for students. Keywords: EFL classes; mobile-assisted language learning (MALL); student engagement; educational technology; motivation; learning environment.
PAGES: 188-193